(Also known as the GREEN Shirt program)
To provide training to Junior Players to become umpires in the game of hockey.
This program is aimed for players in Year eight or above. It is the first stepping stone in the Busselton Hockey Stadium Umpiring Program.
Community Umpiring occurs with the J3/5 games, which is currently played between 11am and 12 Noon on grass and turf and at 12 Noon to 1pm on turf every Saturday. Each club within the Busselton Hockey Stadium Club is assigned a field which they must oversee the umpiring for this grade. Clubs are required to provide 1 x mentor for each side of the field, and a maximum of two community umpires with each mentor. All mentors should have a good understanding of the game of hockey, and umpire games at a higher level.
At the commencement of community umpiring program, the expectation is that mentors will stand beside the umpire assisting them with the decisions making. It is anticipated that the same Community Umpires will continue each week , growing and developing their skills. As they become better umpires, mentors can step away from their side, however must always being available to help and assist when required.
When the mentor believes that the Community Umpire is ready for examination, (usually at the end of the season) the Community Umpires need to sit the Community Umpire examination on Hockey Australia website. This can be done at the Busselton Hockey Stadium at a mutual time decided on between the Umpire and the Stadium Manager or at home. Once the student has passed, and practical on field examination will take place. This examination will be organised for the end of the season when there will be several umpires to assess.
Once both examinations are passed, Community Umpires can remain in the J3/5 competition to build confidence, or move up into the next level of umpiring, the “Orange Shirt”.
- J3/5 have amended rules. Please ensure both the mentor and the community umpire are aware of the changes. Years 3-5 Rules
- Regular workshops will be held during the season for both Community Umpires and Mentors to assist with their skills growth, and must be attended by umpires and mentors.
(Also known as the ORANGE Shirt program)
To provide training to Junior & Senior Players to become umpires in the game of hockey.
This program is aimed for junior players who have completed the Community Umpiring Program and for senior players wanting to improve their level of umpiring.
Level 1 Umpiring occurs with the J6/8 games, which are currently played between 9am and 11am on grass and turf every Saturday. Clubs and senior players are to email the Stadium Manager of their interest in completing the Level 1 program before the June long weekend. A roster for the remaining J6/8 games will be completed with the new Level 1’s and then any remaining gaps being filled with last year’s interested Level 1’s. Clubs playing will be rostered to nominate a mentor for each match to help these umpires with sideline pressures and provide feedback at half time and full time. All mentors should have a good understanding of the game of hockey, and umpire games at a higher level.
Towards the end of the season if participants wish to umpire several J9-12 games they are required to email the Stadium Manager of their interest and a roster will be completed enabling this to happen.
Level 1 umpires will need to attend several workshops during the season, read and have a good understanding of the International Hockey Rules complete the Level 1 online examination on Hockey Australia website and be assessed by accredited Hockey WA representatives whilst umpiring a senior game to obtain their Level 1 certificate.
Any further questions please contact Helen O'Neill at umpires@busseltonhockey.org.au
- ‘Orange Shirt’ Umpires rostered on to umpire J6/8 games by the Association will be paid per game at the end of the season. They will be required to sign the register for each game completed.
- This program is also open to all Senior Players wishing to learn about umpiring.
- Junior umpires will need to complete the Community Umpiring Program first.